Unico Systems are Available in Green Bay and the Fox Valley with Robinson Heating & Cooling

Unico Makes Superb Quality Product and It’s Absolutely Perfect for Many of our Customers.

The Unico System is a small-duct, high-velocity central heating and air conditioning system. Ideal for custom & new home construction, historic preservation, older home retrofit, and commercial applications, The Unico System takes less than one-third the space of a traditional HVAC system. Quieter and less visible than other systems, The Unico System provides superior indoor comfort that is energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Why Choose Unico’s iSeries?

Unico, Inc. has partnered with Italian manufacturer, Argoclima, to introduce a new product line. The iSeries line includes refrigerant based outdoor inverter units that feature a high SEER rating, making them incredibly energy efficient. They range from 1 to 3.5 tons and have ports to connect up to four indoor units. The line also includes the Unico System and high wall indoor units that generate less than 23 decibels of sound, making them some of the quietest products in the industry.