A.F.U.E. and YOU

The Annual Fuel Utilization Rating (AFUE) is One of the Most Important Aspects to Consider When Replacing your Furnace

Above: Example of AFUE rating label

For homeowners in and around Northeast Wisconsin.

Furnace replacement guide brought to you by Robinson Heating & Cooling. More from the furnace replacement and maintenance series can be found on the resources page of our website.

Here in De Pere, we certainly use a lot of fuel to heat our home. An AFUE rating is used to showcase how much heat a furnace will provide compared to another furnace while still using the same amount of fuel. Gas furnaces, oil furnaces and electric heating systems all have an AFUE rating. Even wood burning furnaces have an AFUE rating (generally between 50–90%). The biggest impact in cost depends on the type of fuel you use to heat your home (natural gas, electric, oil, etc.).  AFUE ratings, however, do not serve as an apples to apples between two separate types of heating fuels. Instead they offer a comparison between two heat sources with the same fuel type..

The AFUE Rating is a Government Sponsored and Enforced Mandate That Helps Homeowners Make an Educated Decision.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires new furnaces or boilers to display an AFUE rating so consumers can compare the heating efficiency of various models. The AFUE of a furnace can be found on the large yellow sticker affixed to the new furnace. The same information can also be found readily online.

What Goes in to the Annual Furnace Efficiency Rating?

The AFUE is an indication of the furnace’s ability to convert power (or fuel) into heat for your home. The rating looks at the cost and efficiency of a furnace over a year’s time. It is important to know, however, that the AFUE rating of a central furnace or boiler does not take into account external factors such as the home’s ductwork or piping.

To get the best energy efficient furnace replacement, it is paramount to hire a reputable and knowledgeable company such as Robinson Heating & Cooling to perform the install. It would be a shame to spend your hard-earned money on a quality furnace only to lose efficiency due to a shoddy installation.

Common AFUE Ratings That You’ll Find Are Between 45–95%
Standard Efficiency Furnaces:
55%–70% AFUE
Medium Efficiency Furnaces:
80%–83% AFUE
High Efficiency Furnaces:
93%–98.5% AFUE
Robinson Heating & Cooling Can Retrofit a Furnace to Increase Energy Efficiency.

In some cases it is beneficial and economical to retrofit a central furnace or boiler to increase its energy efficiency. We at Robinson Heating & Cooling offer a furnace retrofitting service. However, if you are considering retrofitting your furnace you’d be well advised to sit down with one of our representatives to discuss the idea first. Your current furnace should be inspected thoroughly to determine whether a retrofit is ideal. You can count on Robinson’s experienced employees to offer sound advice.

Not only can you save money on your energy bill, there may be rebates available for you!

With Great Efficiency Comes Great Rebates!

High efficiency furnaces and boilers are truly superior machines compared to their medium or standard efficiency counter-parts. Therefore, the manufacturing cost is higher and the cost to purchase the machine is higher as well. Robinson Heating & Cooling understands keeping costs low is an important aspect to a family’s financial well-being.

We help homeowners in our community get the most out of available regional incentives, national rebates, and manufacturer discounts. Remember, an investment in a high efficiency equipment is not only attainable but the cost savings over time is fantastic as well. Call us today to take advantage of any incentives and rebates that are available.

Choosing which heating & cooling system is best for your home is tough. Speak with our team of professionals. We can help you determine what will work best for your home and family’s needs.

Fortunately, You Can Make an Educated Decision.

Budget, fuel type, and ductwork design quality have a large bearing on the energy efficiency of a furnace. It’s good to know that standard efficiency, medium efficiency, and high efficiency furnaces can all be compared to each-other on a level playing field.

The federal regulation requiring furnace manufacturers to comply with standardized testing is a true gift to homeowners in Northeast Wisconsin. Our customers sure push their equipment to the limit and it’s good to have a resource such as AFUE to help them make the best decision for their individual situation.

Furnace replacement guide brought to you by Robinson Heating & Cooling.

Understanding the AFUE Label

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